  • ... only send traffic to destinations announced by our ASNs
  • ... only send traffic originating from prefixes you announce to us
  • ... not point static routes towards our ASNs
  • ... not leak any routes from upstream/peering
  • ... not redistribute our prefixes to upstream/peering
  • ... be reachable via e-mail
  • ... cooperate in any case of abuse
  • ... announce prefixes
  • Technical
  • MD5 Authentication is strongly preferred
  • Prefix Limits will be used for all peerings
  • GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN community supported!
  • No new IPv4-Only-Peerings
  • No peering using tunnels
  • The following prefixes will be discarded:
    • IPv4 shorter than /24
    • IPv6 shorter than /48
    • Invalid RPKI
    • Bogons
    • Private ASN in AS_PATH
    IXP Location Router ASN IPv4 IPv6 Connection
    CHIX NTT Zurich Rümlang r3.internetprovider.ch 12307 2001:7f8:cc:333::155 1000BaseTX
    Community-IX.ch NTT Zurich Rümlang r3.internetprovider.ch 12307 2001:7f8:bf:1::4 10GBaseCR
    FreeIX NTT Zurich Rümlang r2.internetprovider.ch 12307 2001:7f8:111:42::3013:1 1000BaseCW29
    SwissIX NTT Zurich Rümlang r1.internetprovider.ch 12307 2001:7f8:24::44 1000BaseBX
    Description Standard Large
    Originate R1 12307:1010
    Customers R1 12307:2010 12307:2000:1
    Transit AS6939 Hurricane Electrics (v6) 12307:4011 12307:4011:1
    R3 Resolv 12307:13
    IXP FreeIX 12307:3050 12307:3050:2
    Prepend once to Meerfarbig AS34549 65000:9031
    Customers 12307:2000 12307:2000:0
    PNIs NTT Rümlang 12307:3500 12307:3500:0
    Not announce to SwissIX 65000:9110
    Not announce to Meerfarbig AS34549 65000:9030
    Customers R3 12307:2030 12307:2000:3
    Learned on R2 12307:5002 12307:5000:2
    Prepend once to iFog AS34927 65000:9051
    Learned on R1 12307:5001 12307:5000:1
    Not announce to Free-IX 65000:9130
    R1 Resolv 12307:11
    Prepend once to nine.ch AS29691 65000:9021
    Transits 12307:4000 12307:4000:0
    Prepend once to SwissIX 65000:9111
    IXP community-IX.ch 12307:3020 12307:3020:3
    IXP R1 12307:3000:1
    Originate 12307:1000
    Not announce to Communityrack AS57118 65000:9010
    Not announce to iFog AS34927 65000:9050
    Not announce to nine.ch AS29691 65000:9020
    R2 Resolv 12307:12
    Transit AS34927 iFog 12307:4050 12307:4050:3
    IXP CHIX 12307:3040 12307:3040:3
    Learned on R3 12307:5003 12307:5000:3
    Prepend once to Community-IX.ch 65000:9121
    Originate R3 12307:1030
    Transit AS34549 Meerfarbig 12307:4040 12307:4040:3
    Prepend once to CHIX 65000:9141
    Customers R2 12307:2020 12307:2000:2
    Not announce to CHIX 65000:9140
    Transit AS29691 nine.ch 12307:4020 12307:4020:1
    IXP R2 12307:3000:2
    IXP SwissIX 12307:3010 12307:3010:1
    Originate R2 12307:1020
    Transit AS57118 Communityrack.org 12307:4010 12307:4010:1
    IXP R3 12307:3000:3
    Not announce to Community-IX.ch 65000:9120
    Prepend once to Free-IX 65000:9131
    IXPs 12307:3000 12307:3000:0

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