
Spacing utilities that apply to all breakpoints, from xs to xxl, have no breakpoint abbreviation in them. This is because those classes are applied from min-width: 0 and up, and thus are not bound by a media query. The remaining breakpoints, however, do include a breakpoint abbreviation.

Spacing on Bootstrap

The classes are named using the format {property}{sides}-{size} for xs and {property}{sides}-{breakpoint}-{size} for sm,md,lg,xl and xxl.

Whereproperty is one of:

  • m - for classes that set margin
  • p - for classes that set padding

Wheresides is one of:

  • t - for classes that set margin-top or padding-top
  • b - for classes that set margin-bottom or padding-bottom
  • s - for classes that set margin-left or padding-left
  • e - for classes that set margin-right or padding-right
  • x - for classes that set both *-left and *-right
  • y - for classes that set both *-top and *-bottom
  • blank - for classes that set a margin or padding on all 4 sides of the element

Wheresize is one of: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 & auto


When using display: grid, you can make use of gap utilities on the parent grid container. This can save on having to add margin utilities to individual grid items (children of a display: grid container). Gap utilities are responsive by default, and are generated via our utilities API, based on the $spacers Sass map.

Grid item 1
Grid item 2
Grid item 3
<p>When using <code>display: grid</code>, you can make use of <code>gap </code>utilities on the parent grid container. This can save on having to add margin utilities to individual grid items (children of a display: grid container). Gap utilities are responsive by default, and are generated via our utilities API, based on the <code>$spacers </code>Sass map.</p>
<div class="d-grid gap-3">
  <div class="p-2 bg-light border">Grid item 1</div>
  <div class="p-2 bg-light border">Grid item 2</div>
  <div class="p-2 bg-light border">Grid item 3</div>

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Color Scheme

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RTL Mode

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RTL Documentation

Fluid Layout

Toggle container layout system

Fluid Documentation

Navigation Position

Select a suitable navigation system for your web application

Vertical Navbar Style

Switch between styles for your vertical navbar

See Documentation

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